New Releases

Gift Shop of Gratitude
A gift shop can be a metaphor for life. And that’s how award-winning journalist Peter Lovenheim found the inspiration for this book as a gift shop of gratitude.

12 Easy Steps to Change Your Life
Most people are waiting or looking for that “Big Break” to get ahead in life. Little do they realize it is the small things that almost look inconsequential that lead to quantum leaps. This book will show you how to change small things in your life that will lead you to the big break you have been looking for. The funny thing is once you get there, it won’t look so big anymore.

If You Knew Suzy
Born with severe brain defects, Suzy was sentenced to a life of “nevers.” This book is not just a tribute to Suzy, but a roadmap for all parents experiencing the challenges of raising a child with disabilities and/or medical issues.

How to Make Meetings Not Suck
Every day in the US there are fifty-five million meetings, and a substantial percentage of them are inefficient time-wasters. To address this problem of meetings that suck, this book is designed to be a practical guide for managers and leaders who want to maximize the effectiveness of time spent with their teams and colleagues.

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary Second Edition
30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary quickly became a bestseller in its category back in 2015. Now, in this updated and revised edition—which now contains the 700 most important words you need to master–you’ll quickly learn why this title has been such a positive impact in the personal and professional lives of tens of thousands in the English-speaking world.

The World-Class Wealth Mindset
In The World Class Wealth Mindset: Four Pillars to Building Personal Freedom, Elite Coach and Mindset Mentor Arash Vossoughi identifies the four pillars that support the world-class mindset of wealth.

Why People Work
There are most likely thousands of leadership books written to equip leaders to develop the skills and behaviors necessary to encourage their teams to achieve goals and purposes. However, the primary focus of this book is to assist leaders in looking deeper into the expectations and motivations of the people they serve.

Happy Warriors
In Happy Warriors, iconic voice of esoteric spirituality Mitch Horowitz provides an enthralling literary survey of the lives and ideas of the most remarkable figures in positive-mind spirituality, opening a fresh window on the history and practice of New Thought.

Modern Occultism
An Enthralling History of the People, Ideas, and Practices that Shaped Today’s Occult

Born Rich
In Born Rich, Bob Proctor has done it again, this time taking you step by step to the surprising discovery that success is not always reaching out for something that you don’t have but rather only reaching over and rearranging the pieces that are already there.

30 Days to Eliminate Clutter and Debt
Put an End to Stress and Chaos! At the crossroads of your clutter and debt you’ll find a group of core beliefs that block you from making progress.

The Inner Bonding Guided Journal
The Inner Bonding Guided Journal is your personal roadmap to healing. With each page, you’ll reconnect with your true self, break free from old patterns, and build a life rooted in love and peace

Dale Carnegie Lead with Influence
This book is designed to help people discover the most impactful approach to influencing without authority, coercion, manipulation or force. It is a practical guide to influence that builds trust and relationships.

9 Steps to Financial Freedom
If your goal is to have your passive income exceed your active income so that you’re free to do what you love, meaning you work because you love to, not because you have to, then let John Demartini teach you the proven psychology and strategies for wealth building.

Inner Bonding Daily Inspirations
These 365 daily inspirations will inspire inner peace, creativity, and the manifestation of your dreams as you spend a few quiet minutes each day journaling your thoughts and reflections.

The 7 Figure Machine
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Noah St. John, known worldwide as “The Father of AFFORMATIONS®” and “The Mental Heath Coach to The Stars” shares his insider secrets and proven tactics to help you maximize your online earnings and achieve your financial goals.

Take Charge of Your Life
In Take Charge of Your Life: The 12 Master Skills for Success, Brian will show you how putting yourself in the driver’s seat of your own life, and not delegating responsibility for your results to others, will separate you from the pack faster than ever before.

The Laws of Power
Best-selling author, speaker, and consultant Brian Tracy has devoted almost his entire life to studying success and human development, and he is a living example of the practical principles he teaches.
In this book, you’ll learn about the success principles that have been the hallmark of all great achievers.

The Laws of Luck
In this book, Brian Tracy shows how to put the laws of luck to work for you. You’ll race forward faster than you ever imagined getting more done, earning more rewards, having more opportunities, and ultimately reaching the goal that everyone wants: happiness.

Brian Tracy can show you how to develop motivation on-demand, sustain it through the difficult periods of life, and instill this motivation so intricately into your daily life that you make the very idea of motivation unnecessary. That’s when you become UNSTOPPABLE!

6 Essentials to Start and Succeed In Your Own Business
Let Brian Tracy, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of entrepreneurship, introduce you to 6 Essentials To Start & Succeed in Your Own Business, and expose you to the most innovative, current—and most importantly—proven ideas on how to become successful.

Back on Track
Back On Track deals with wellness, back relief, lifestyle improvement and fitness. Author Roberta Bergman puts these topics into a comprehensive, reader friendly interactive, hands-on guide, especially for anyone with common chronic back ailments.

Lonely No More
Lonely No More: The Astonishing Power of Inner Bonding takes the reader on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and personal transformation, exploring the often-conflicting relationship between the false beliefs of the ego wounded self, how those false beliefs leave a person lonely and disconnected, and how to achieve true spiritual connection.

Ultimate Power Negotiating for Salespeople Master Course
Negotiating is a fact of life for everyone. But it’s crucial for anyone in sales.
Here Roger Dawson explains the ins and outs of power negotiation—a process with its own secret rules and procedures.

Public Speaking: A Practical Course For Business is Dale Carnegie’s master class on how to speak so that people listen. This comprehensive guide, written in a clear and concise manner, is designed to help you improve your public speaking skills and become a more effective communicator.

AWE The Automatic Writing Experience
By using AWE, you’ll tap into the most powerful manifestation tool, putting the law of attraction into action, helping attract your dreams, and much more.
G&D Classics

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Few historical works encompass the pathos, drama, and meticulous detail of Edward Gibbon’s extraordinary record of Rome’s demise, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, which the English historian issued in six volumes from 1776 to 1789.

The Secret Destiny of America
Fully reset and newly introduced by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz, The Secret Destiny of America (1944) and America’s Assignment with Destiny (1951) are Manly P. Hall’s core statements on the esoteric purpose and occult backstory of the United States.

Great Expectations
This timeless masterpiece, teeming with colorful characters, unexpected plot twists, and Dickens’ vivid rendering of the vast tapestry of mid-Victorian England, Great Expectations is considered by many to be Dickens’ finest novel.

History of the American Frontier
Frederic L Paxson’s History of the American Frontier offers a sweeping account of the American West and the country’s westward expansion from 1763-1893.

Jane Eyre
A romance novel for the ages written in 1847, this English literature classic is set somewhere in the north of England during the reign of King George III.

Frederick Douglass Classics
Get 2 autobiographical classics of American literature by a former slave and a leader in the abolitionist movement!

The Souls of Black Folk
This classic groundbreaking work of American literature first published in 1903 is a cornerstone of African-American literary history and a seminal work in the field of sociology.

My Bondage and My Freedom
This is ex-slave Frederick Douglass’ second autobiography. First published in 1855-at the height of Douglass’ involvement in
the abolitionist movement-his narrative describes the steps that had led him to the forefront of the struggle for racial justice.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
This classic of American literature, a dramatic autobiography of the early life of an American slave, was first published in 1845, when its author had just achieved his freedom. Its shocking first-hand account of the horrors of slavery became an international best seller.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass With Study Guide
This classic of American literature was first published in 1845, when its author had just achieved his freedom. Its shocking first-hand account of the horrors of slavery became an international best seller. This deluxe edition of this classic work includes a 21st century study guide that will provide you with a deeper sense of the trials and tribulations Douglass endured.