E Books 10

Weight Loss Forever!

Linda Gabriel 

ISBN 978-1-7225-2071-7

Rather than diets or exercise, this revised and updated guide shows that the best tool for treating weight problems is the human mind. Most weight difficulties are the result of an emotional or mental issue which in turn alters eating habits and the body itself for the worse. By learning to harness the strength of their own inner power, people with weight concerns will discover how to effectively deal with and remove these issues. Correcting the mind will result in steady, lasting weight loss, a healthier physique, and improved self-esteem.


Do Everything They Tell You Not 

To Do…If You Want to Succeed

Furthering the Art of Persistence  

Sanjay Burman

ISBN 978-1-7225-2073-1

This handbook details strategies for overcoming doubt, fear of failure, and conventional thinking, and serves as a roadmap for those who wish to bolster self-confidence. It offers exercises culled from personal experience and valuable advice from mentors in the fields of entertainment, business, and education.



How to Create Your Own High Paying Job

37 Tips for Reaching Your Career Goals  

Dr. Gary S. Goodman 

ISBN 978-1-7225-2081-6

Are you unemployed?

Or, are you overworked, underpaid, and stuck in a lifeless job, reporting to someone who doesn’t seem to be doing much better than you are?

You’re not alone.

Corporations once needed large inflows of middle managers and the formally educated. Many of these posts have disappeared or have been displaced by outsourcing, offshoring, international competition, and by technology. There is a widespread and growing under-employment problem facing almost every society. In this original and groundbreaking book, you’ll learn how to develop your own highly compensated career opportunities.


Personal Power

Living a Life of Confidence, Determination, and Influence  

Michael Wickett 

ISBN 978-1-7225-2088-5

Ever wonder why some individuals enjoy great success while others just plod along in mediocrity? The answer isn’t found in fate, chance, or luck. Those who enjoy richer, more fulfilling lives know that there are tools, techniques, and strategies that when practiced, produce the robust success that many seek, but only the enlightened achieve. Michael Wickett will guide you through powerful strategies to tap more of your possibilities, and to enable you to create greater success personally and professionally.


The Solution  

Joe Vitale 

ISBN 978-1-7225-2093-9

Looking for answers to the challenges you face today? Want to know how to thrive (not just survive) in today’s tough times? Dr. Joe Vitale has The Solution! Best-selling author and one of the standout stars of the hit movie “”The Secret””, Dr. Joe Vitale goes beyond feel good pep talks to reveal the real solution to attracting miracles in every area of your life and transcending your problems. Inspiring, enlightening and mind expanding, Dr. Vitale’s “”solution”” involves a proven step-by-step methodology to quickly take you from “”Victim”” to “”Victor!”” in all areas of your life.


The Money Tree

The Roots and Fruits of Poverty and Prosperity 

Garrett B. Gunderson 

ISBN 978-1-7225-2096-0

This is not a book about money; it’s about contribution, about human greatness, and about true prosperity beyond money. It’s for people who see greater purpose in being wealthy than personal comfort, status, prestige, and an irresponsible sense of freedom. Furthermore, this book will help you to get rid of scarcity in your life through increased awareness and ways to overcome the destructive mode of scarcity and ultimately to cultivate a paradigm of abundance.  It uncovers the truth about retirement planning, outlines the proper philosophies and principles that true wealth is based on, and helps you to practically apply those fundamentals utilizing appropriate products and strategies.


Sage Stance

A Remarkable Meditation Technique to Shift

Out of Stress and Begin Living Again  

Beth Goldstein LCSW and John English

ISBN 978-1-7225-2102-8

Stop worrying. Let go of stress. Begin living again! Connect to your higher self. It’s easy and fast with the Sage Stance!

This powerful combination of Toltec teachings and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), allows you to easily and instantly access, in any moment, the wisdom and power of your higher self, your inner Sage.



Golden Rule Relationships

Zig Ziglar with Tom Ziglar

ISBN 978-1-7225-2103-5

Zig Ziglar provides valuable insight for anybody in any relationship, from romantic to platonic. For anybody experiencing rough patches in their relationships, this classic Zig Ziglar book will be instrumental in helping to discover how you can go about sewing up the holes that may have begun to appear in your relationships.


Quantum NLP Thought Into Manifestation 

Christiane Turner 

ISBN 978-1-7225-2104-2

Quantum NLP is the art and science of human excellence. New scientific discoveries show us clearly that we are creating our reality through the use of our language. By teaching ourselves more effective language patterns, our brain automatically forms new neurological pathways that naturally lead to new behaviors and habits. Christiane Turner, a worldwide thought leader in the cutting-edge field of NLP invites you to join her on a magical journey into the realm of possibility and change.


Quantum NLP From Personal to Global Transformation 

Christiane Turner

ISBN 978-1-7225-2105-9

The wait is over. Humanity is going through a major learning curve on its path to maturity and we are already fully immersed in the adventure. Ideas that seemed impossible just five or ten years ago, are today becoming a part of the mass consciousness. Christiane Turner, NLP Trainer and Author, invites you to the magical place of self discovery and transformation that will lead to enhancing your own life and the contribution you are able to make to the larger systems you are a part of your family, your community, your country and ultimately the whole planet.

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